There are 20 Dreamcatchers in Red Dead Redemption 2. The reward for collecting all 20 dreamcatchers is a map to the Ancient Arrowhead location. A unique item that makes your stamina last twice as long when you draw your bow.

You can collect all of the dreamcatchers as soon as you begin Chapter 2 in the RDR2 Story. You do not need to trigger a mission to start collecting them. Most of the time the dreamcatcher will be in a tree that is different from the rest of the trees in the area, often dead, or a different type of tree. You can use the hunting/tracking Eagle Eye (LS/L3 + RS/R3) to spot the tree more easily when you are near it.

We have calculated the optimal path for gathering all the dreamcatchers on our interactive map. You can follow the guide on this page to all of the dreamcatcher locations or use the interactive dreamcatcher map. When you click on a marker it will show you the route to get there from the previous marker and will highlight the next marker in the progression. You should not need to return to this page once you start collecting them.

Below is a picture of the entire route on our RDR2 map:

Best route for collecting Dreamcatchers in Red Dead Redemption 2Best route for collecting Dreamcatchers in Red Dead Redemption 2

Dreamcatcher #1, Bluewater Marsh location

This is the first dreamcatcher. It's in a tree by the fork in Bluewater Marsh.

Dreamcatcher #1, Bluewater Marsh Dreamcatcher LocationDreamcatcher #1, Bluewater Marsh Dreamcatcher Location
Dreamcatcher #1, Bluewater Marsh Dreamcatcher Location ZoomedDreamcatcher #1, Bluewater Marsh Dreamcatcher Location Zoomed
Bluewater Marsh DreamcatcherBluewater Marsh Dreamcatcher

Dreamcatcher #2, Lonnie's Shack location

From the Bluewater Marsh dreamcatcher head west past the Aberdeen pig farm. You can cut through the wilderness straight there. The dreamcatcher is in the maple tree with no leaves on the right side of the road northwest of Lonnie's Shack.

Dreamcatcher #2, Lonnie's Shack Dreamcatcher LocationDreamcatcher #2, Lonnie's Shack Dreamcatcher Location
Dreamcatcher #2, Lonnie's Shack Dreamcatcher Location ZoomedDreamcatcher #2, Lonnie's Shack Dreamcatcher Location Zoomed
Lonnie's Shack DreamcatcherLonnie's Shack Dreamcatcher

Dreamcatcher #3, Scarlet Meadows location

From the Lonnie's Shack dreamcatcher head directly towards the next point north-northeast. The dreamcatcher is located in a big tree standing by itself.

Dreamcatcher #3, Scarlet Meadows Dreamcatcher LocationDreamcatcher #3, Scarlet Meadows Dreamcatcher Location
Dreamcatcher #3, Scarlet Meadows Dreamcatcher Location ZoomedDreamcatcher #3, Scarlet Meadows Dreamcatcher Location Zoomed
Scarlet Meadows DreamcatcherScarlet Meadows Dreamcatcher

Dreamcatcher #4, Northeast Heartlands location

From the Scarlet Meadows dreamcatcher head north-northeast directly to the next point. The dreamcatcher is located in a tree on an upward incline with a large flat rock in the ground to the left of it.

Dreamcatcher #4, Northeast Heartlands Dreamcatcher LocationDreamcatcher #4, Northeast Heartlands Dreamcatcher Location
Dreamcatcher #4, Northeast Heartlands Dreamcatcher Location ZoomedDreamcatcher #4, Northeast Heartlands Dreamcatcher Location Zoomed
Northeast Heartlands DreamcatcherNortheast Heartlands Dreamcatcher

Dreamcatcher #5, Heartland Overflow location

From the Northeast Heartlands dreamcatcher you can head southwest directly to this point. The dreamcatcher is located in a large tree with no leaves.

Dreamcatcher #5, Heartland Overflow Dreamcatcher LocationDreamcatcher #5, Heartland Overflow Dreamcatcher Location
Dreamcatcher #5, Heartland Overflow Dreamcatcher Location ZoomedDreamcatcher #5, Heartland Overflow Dreamcatcher Location Zoomed
Heartland Overflow DreamcatcherHeartland Overflow Dreamcatcher

Dreamcatcher #6, Heartland Hills location

From the Heartland Overflows dreamcatcher you can head southwest directly to this point. The dreamcatcher is in a large tree with no leaves standing by itself.

Dreamcatcher #6, Heartland Hills Dreamcatcher LocationDreamcatcher #6, Heartland Hills Dreamcatcher Location
Dreamcatcher #6, Heartland Hills Dreamcatcher Location ZoomedDreamcatcher #6, Heartland Hills Dreamcatcher Location Zoomed
Heartlands Hills DreamcatcherHeartlands Hills Dreamcatcher

Dreamcatcher #7, Dakota River location

From the Heartland Hills dreamcatcher head southwest and then west across the railroad tracks. You will want to cut to the right off the trail before you get all the way down to the river's elevation. The dreamcatcher is located in the tree on the edge of the plateau above the river bank.

Dreamcatcher #7, Dakota River Dreamcatcher LocationDreamcatcher #7, Dakota River Dreamcatcher Location
Dreamcatcher #7, Dakota River Dreamcatcher Location ZoomedDreamcatcher #7, Dakota River Dreamcatcher Location Zoomed
Dakota River DreamcatcherDakota River Dreamcatcher

Dreamcatcher #8, Caliban's Seat location

To get here from the Dakota River dreamcatcher, you should follow the trail by the river and go north until you reach the 3-way intersection. There will be a sign with arrows pointing towards Limpany and Valentine. Go straight past the sign and the dreamcatcher will be on the left side of the large group of trees.

Dreamcatcher #8, Caliban's Seat Dreamcatcher LocationDreamcatcher #8, Caliban's Seat Dreamcatcher Location
Dreamcatcher #8, Caliban's Seat Dreamcatcher Location ZoomedDreamcatcher #8, Caliban's Seat Dreamcatcher Location Zoomed
Caliban's Seat DreamcatcherCaliban's Seat Dreamcatcher

Dreamcatcher #9, Heartlands, South Citadel Rock location

To get here from the Caliban's Seat dreamcatcher head northeast on the trail towards Valentine. Take a right at the first fork. Take a left at the second fork going up the hill. Head east until you see a rocky wall. Go left around the rock wall to get to the top of it. The dreamcatcher is located in a tree right next to the largest tree in the area.

Dreamcatcher #9, Heartlands South Citadel Rock Dreamcatcher LocationDreamcatcher #9, Heartlands South Citadel Rock Dreamcatcher Location
Dreamcatcher #9, Heartlands South Citadel Rock Dreamcatcher Location ZoomedDreamcatcher #9, Heartlands South Citadel Rock Dreamcatcher Location Zoomed
Heartlands South Citadel Rock DreamcatcherHeartlands South Citadel Rock Dreamcatcher

Dreamcatcher #10, Heartlands, North Citadel Rock location

To get here from the Heartlands South Citadel Rock dreamcatcher you should head northeast through the pass to the right of Citadel Rock. You will come to a 4 way intersection with a sign. Take the road towards Fort Wallace. Take a left at the 4 way intersection after crossing the railroad tracks. As you go under the bridge the dreamcatcher is in the tree straight ahead on the left side of the trail.

Dreamcatcher #10, Heartlands North Citadel Rock Dreamcatcher LocationDreamcatcher #10, Heartlands North Citadel Rock Dreamcatcher Location
Dreamcatcher #10, Heartlands North Citadel Rock Dreamcatcher Location ZoomedDreamcatcher #10, Heartlands North Citadel Rock Dreamcatcher Location Zoomed
Heartlands North Citadel Rock DreamcatcherHeartlands North Citadel Rock Dreamcatcher

Dreamcatcher #11, Valentine location

To get here from the Heartlands North Citadel Rock dreamcatcher, head southwest down the slope and across the railroad tracks until you reach the trail. Head directly west past Valentine. You will take a right on a small trail. About 20 feet down the trail the dreamcatcher will be in a tree on the left with a stump in front of it.

Dreamcatcher #11, Valentine Dreamcatcher LocationDreamcatcher #11, Valentine Dreamcatcher Location
Dreamcatcher #11, Valentine Dreamcatcher Location ZoomedDreamcatcher #11, Valentine Dreamcatcher Location Zoomed
Valentine DreamcatcherValentine Dreamcatcher

Dreamcatcher #12, Grizzlies West, Snowy Peak location

From the Valentine dreamcatcher continue on the path that leads north as it curves around down hill towards the river. Cross the river and take the first left on the path that curves northwest under the railroad bridge. From the railroad bridge go off the trail and head straight north-northwest straight to the top of the peak. The dreamcathcer will be in a clump of there.

Dreamcatcher #12, Grizzlies West Snowy Peak Dreamcatcher LocationDreamcatcher #12, Grizzlies West Snowy Peak Dreamcatcher Location
Dreamcatcher #12, Grizzlies West Snowy Peak Dreamcatcher Location ZoomedDreamcatcher #12, Grizzlies West Snowy Peak Dreamcatcher Location Zoomed
Grizzlies West Snowy Peak DreamcatcherGrizzlies West Snowy Peak Dreamcatcher

Dreamcatcher #13, Grizzlies West, Campfire location

From Grizzlies West Snowy Peak dreamcatcher head northeast down the hill until you reach the trail. Head north on the trail. Skip the first fork that is a dotted line on the map. Take a right at the second fork heading east. The correct trail will be a solid line on your map. You will eventually see a campfire and tent to your right. A little ways after that there is a log sticking out above the trail on the left. Turn left up the hill immediately after the log. The dreamcatcher will be in the big tree right behind the log and a small stump.

Dreamcatcher #13, Grizzlies West Camp Fire Dreamcatcher LocationDreamcatcher #13, Grizzlies West Camp Fire Dreamcatcher Location
Dreamcatcher #13, Grizzlies West Camp Fire Dreamcatcher Location ZoomedDreamcatcher #13, Grizzlies West Camp Fire Dreamcatcher Location Zoomed
Grizzlies West DreamcatcherGrizzlies West Dreamcatcher

Dreamcatcher #14, Cotorra Springs location

From the Grizzlies West Campfire dreamcatcher continue northeast on the trail. Turn right at the fork after reaching Cotorra springs. At the next fork continue straight off the path and the tree will be right in front of you. It stands out as its fuller and thicker than the other trees here.

Dreamcatcher #14, Cotorra Springs Dreamcatcher LocationDreamcatcher #14, Cotorra Springs Dreamcatcher Location
Dreamcatcher #14, Cotorra Springs Dreamcatcher Location ZoomedDreamcatcher #14, Cotorra Springs Dreamcatcher Location Zoomed
Cotorra Springs DreamcatcherCotorra Springs Dreamcatcher

Dreamcatcher #15, The Loft location

From the Cotorra Springs dreamcatcher take the railroad tracks going east across the Bacchus Bridge. Head north uphill on the trail from Bacchus Station. Take a right at the fork to head east. Follow this trail east until you reach The Loft. The dreamcatcher is in the only bare tree on the right of the trail.

Dreamcatcher #15, The Loft Dreamcatcher LocationDreamcatcher #15, The Loft Dreamcatcher Location
Dreamcatcher #15, The Loft Dreamcatcher Location ZoomedDreamcatcher #15, The Loft Dreamcatcher Location Zoomed
The Loft DreamcatcherThe Loft Dreamcatcher

Dreamcatcher #16, Roanoke Ridge North location

From the Loft dreamcatcher head off trail southeast down the hill. There's a narrow spot that is not too steep to go down with the edge of the cliff on your left side. Once you reach the railroad tracks at the bottom there's a canyon on your right that the railroad tracks go through, by the edge of the steep rock face is a path down to the next level. Now ride southeast to the path and then follow it east until you cross the river. After you cross the river the tree with the dreamcatcher is directly to the north just off the trail.

Dreamcatcher #16, Roanoke Ridge North Dreamcatcher LocationDreamcatcher #16, Roanoke Ridge North Dreamcatcher Location
Dreamcatcher #16, Roanoke Ridge North Dreamcatcher Location ZoomedDreamcatcher #16, Roanoke Ridge North Dreamcatcher Location Zoomed
Roanoke Ridge North DreamcatcherRoanoke Ridge North Dreamcatcher

Dreamcatcher #17, Annesburg Crossing location

From the Roanoke Ridge North dreamcatcher ride south along the river to the Annesburg Crossroads. The dreamcatcher is in the very large tree with no leaves at the crossroads.

Dreamcatcher #17, Annesburg Crossing Dreamcatcher LocationDreamcatcher #17, Annesburg Crossing Dreamcatcher Location
Dreamcatcher #17, Annesburg Crossing Dreamcatcher Location ZoomedDreamcatcher #17, Annesburg Crossing Dreamcatcher Location Zoomed
Annesburg Crossing DreamcatcherAnnesburg Crossing Dreamcatcher

Dreamcatcher #18, Annesburg location

From the Annesburg Crossing dreamcatcher head east on the trail toward Annesburg. You will see some dead trees on the right side as you reach a downard sloping right turn. Go up the hill to the right here and the dreamcatcher will be in a dead tree on the edge of the cliff.

Dreamcatcher #18, Annesburg Dreamcatcher LocationDreamcatcher #18, Annesburg Dreamcatcher Location
Dreamcatcher #18, Annesburg Dreamcatcher Location ZoomedDreamcatcher #18, Annesburg Dreamcatcher Location Zoomed
Annesburg DreamcatcherAnnesburg Dreamcatcher

Dreamcatcher #19, Roanoke Ridge Hill location

From the Annesburg dreamcatcher head southwest through the woods and up the hill. You have to just go to the marker and look around. The tree doesn't stand out from the rest of the trees here and the dreamcatcher is a little harder to spot from a distance because it is up higher in the tree. Remember to use Eagle eye if you have trouble seeing it.

Dreamcatcher #19,Roanoke Ridge Hill Dreamcatcher LocationDreamcatcher #19,Roanoke Ridge Hill Dreamcatcher Location
Dreamcatcher #19,Roanoke Ridge Hill Dreamcatcher Location ZoomedDreamcatcher #19,Roanoke Ridge Hill Dreamcatcher Location Zoomed
Roanoke Ridge Hill DreamcatcherRoanoke Ridge Hill Dreamcatcher

Dreamcatcher #20, Elysian Pool location

From the Roanoke Ridge Hill dreamcatcher, follow the path south. Take the fork left and go down the winding hill towards the river. Cross the river and head west. Just beyond the foundation of an old house is the dreamcatcher.

Dreamcatcher #20, Elysian Pool Dreamcatcher LocationDreamcatcher #20, Elysian Pool Dreamcatcher Location
Dreamcatcher #20, Elysian Pool Dreamcatcher Location ZoomedDreamcatcher #20, Elysian Pool Dreamcatcher Location Zoomed
Elysian Pool DreamcatcherElysian Pool Dreamcatcher

Ancient Arrowhead Treasure location

The treasure is hidden in a cave behind the water fall at the Elysian Pool. Once you are inside the cave, follow the gold water up the tunnel. Do not fall in the crevace on the right side.

Ancient Arrowhead Treasure LocationAncient Arrowhead Treasure Location
Ancient Arrowhead Treasure Location ZoomedAncient Arrowhead Treasure Location Zoomed
Dreamcatcher Treasure, Ancient Arrowhead Cave EntranceDreamcatcher Treasure, Ancient Arrowhead Cave Entrance

When you get to a large open room, go half way up the right side. You will see some cave paintings. Part way in on the right side you will see a small hole in the wall. You can inspect this to collect the Ancient Arrowhead.

Ancient Arrowhead Cave EntranceAncient Arrowhead Cave Entrance
Ancient Arrowhead Treasure CavernAncient Arrowhead Treasure Cavern
Ancient Arrowhead Cave PaintingsAncient Arrowhead Cave Paintings