Red Dead Redemption 2 Legendary Animals are fun and rewarding. Selling their skins to the trapper will give you a decent amount of money and unlock new clothes that he can craft for you. The other Legendary Animal parts are used by the Fence to craft valueable trinkets and talismans that bestow special perks when you own them.

Legendary Animal Guide Contents

Hunting Legendary Animals

What to do with Legendary Animals

Legendary Animal Locations

Trinkets and Talismans

Hunting Legendary Animals

Each Legendary Animal has three clues you must find before you find the animal, with the exception of the Bharati Grizzly Bear which only requires two clues. The game will alert you with a message in the top left corner of your screen when you've entered the area of a Legendary Animal.
You should use Eagle Eye (LS/L3 + RS/R3) to spot the yellow indicators above a clue. Once you've found the first clue you can follow the animals tracks to the next clues and eventually to the animal itself.

Legendary Animal Requirements

After you complete Chapter 1 you can hunt and kill ten of the Legendary Animals. One requires you to complete Hunting Challenges and the other five require progress in the main Story missions before they are available.

Legendary Animal Requirements:

  • Legendary Grizzly Bear - Complete Mission "Exit Pursued By a Bruised Ego", Chapter 2
  • Legendary Alligator - Complete Mission "Country Pursuits", Chapter 4
  • Legendary Panther - Complete Rank 9 Hunting Challenge
  • Legendary Tatanka Bison - Complete Chapter 6
  • Legendary Pronghorn - Complete Chapter 6
  • Legendary Cougar - Complete Chapter 6

Legendary Animal Hunting Tips and Preparation

  • Use a sniper rifle. Pelt quality doesn't matter so use the highest damaging gun you have. A sniper rifle or shotgun is a good choice.
  • Use the terrain. You can climb on top of boulders where the Legendary Animals cannot get to you. This is useful against the more dangerous animals such as the Legendary Grizzly Bear and the Legendary Cougar. We have marked the boulders locations on the map for these animals.
  • Lost parts automatically go to the Trapper. If you die or lose the skins before you make it to the trapper it will appear in his inventory but you lose out on the money you would get from selling it to him.

What to do with Legendary Animals

You must sell the Legendary Animal skins to the Trapper. This allows the Trapper to craft special clothing and accessories for you out of the skins. You can't sell the skins to a butcher. You take the other animal parts (Fangs, Antlers, etc) to the Fence to craft Trinkets and Talismans. Trinkets can be crafted with just the animal part. Talismans require extra ingredients.

Legendary Animal "too much activity" message

When entering the Legendary Animal area you will sometimes get the message "too much activity in the area". This message appears when there is a random event happening in the area. This could be things like an NPC camping or bounty hunters riding with a prisoner. If you get this message you should ride a short distance(1 minute ride) outside the legendary animal area and save your game then reload or camp and sleep for 24 hours.

Do Legendary Animals Respawn

After you have killed a Legendary Animal they do not respawn. If you lose their skins it will appear on the trapper. If you die to a legendary animal you need to leave the area and sleep for 24 hours before it will respawn or reload a save game.

Legendary Animal Locations

For each Legendary Animal we have included a zoomed out map and a zoomed in map. The zoomed in map shows numbered markers that match up with clues for that animal. Start with clue #1 and follow the tracks to clue #2 and clue #3. You can also view the Legendary Animals on our RDR2 map.

Legendary Beaver

The Legendary Beaver location is by a large beaver dam in the river south of the Elysian Pool and west of the Van Horn Trading Post. He will die with one well placed headshot from your rifle or bow.

Skinning it yields the Legendary Beaver Pelt and the Legendary Beaver Tooth. The Legendary Beaver Tooth is used to craft the Beaver Tooth Trinket at the Fence which decreases weapon degradation by 10%.

Red Dead Redemption 2 Legendary Beaver MapRed Dead Redemption 2 Legendary Beaver Map
Red Dead Redemption 2 Legendary Beaver LocationRed Dead Redemption 2 Legendary Beaver Location

Legendary Moose

The Legendary Moose location is the northeast corner of the map. It will take a few headshots from your sniper rifle to bring it down.

Skinning it yields the Legendary Moose Pelt and Legendary Moose Antler. The Legendary Moose Antler is used to craft the Moose Antler Trinket which increases health experience gain by 10%.

Red Dead Redemption 2 Legendary Moose MapRed Dead Redemption 2 Legendary Moose Map
Red Dead Redemption 2 Legendary Moose LocationRed Dead Redemption 2 Legendary Moose Location

Legendary Bharati Grizzly Bear

You must complete the Chapter 2 Story Mission "Exit Pursued By a Bruised Ego" before you can hunt the Legendary Bear.

Legendary Bear location is north of the O'Creagh's Run lake in the Grizzlies East.

There are only two clues for the bear instead of the normal three. He will take 4 shots from a sniper rifle to kill and will quickly charge you after the first shot.

If you have difficulty beating him climb on one of the boulders marked with the shield marker on the zoomed in map. You can shoot him and he can't touch you when you are up on top of the rock.

Skinning it yields the Legendary Bear Pelt and Legendary Bear Claw. The Legendary Bear Claw is used to craft the Bear Claw Talisman which decreases health core drain by 10%.

Red Dead Redemption 2 Legendary Bear MapRed Dead Redemption 2 Legendary Bear Map
Red Dead Redemption 2 Legendary Bear LocationRed Dead Redemption 2 Legendary Bear Location

Legendary White Bison

The Legendary White Bison location is in the snowy area on the northwest part of the map by Lake Isabella.

Skinning it yields the Legendary White Bison Pelt and Legendary Bison Horn. The Legendary Bison Horn is used to craft the Bison Horn Talisman which decreases the speed that your stamina core drains by 10%.

Red Dead Redemption 2 Legendary White Bison MapRed Dead Redemption 2 Legendary White Bison Map
Red Dead Redemption 2 Legendary White Bison LocationRed Dead Redemption 2 Legendary White Bison Location

Legendary Bighorn Ram

The Legendary Bighorn Ram location is near the Cattail Pond west of Valentine across the river.

Skinning it yields the Legendary Ram Hide and Legendary Ram Horn. The Legendary Ram Horn is used to craft the Ram Horn Trinket which makes you get twice as many herbs when picking Thyme, Oregano and Mint.

Red Dead Redemption 2 Legendary Bighorn Ram MapRed Dead Redemption 2 Legendary Bighorn Ram Map
Red Dead Redemption 2 Legendary Bighorn Ram LocationRed Dead Redemption 2 Legendary Bighorn Ram Location

Legendary Wolf

The Legendary Wolf location is by the geysers of Cotorra Springs in Grizzlies East.

The Legendary Wolf is aggressive but not too deadly. You should use a sniper rifle and then switch to your repeater or shotgun after the first or second shot. If you are having trouble you can climb on one of the boulders and it can't attack you there.

Skinning it yields the Legendary Wolf Pelt and Legendary Wolf Heart. The Legendary Wolf Heart is used to craft the Wolf Heart Trinket which makes it so you can consume twice as much alcohol before feeling the negative drunk effects.

Red Dead Redemption 2 Legendary Wolf MapRed Dead Redemption 2 Legendary Wolf Map
Red Dead Redemption 2 Legendary Wolf LocationRed Dead Redemption 2 Legendary Wolf Location

Legendary Elk

The Legendary Elk location is in the hills just east of Bacchus Station in Cumberland Forest.

Skinning it yields the Legendary Elk Pelt and Legendary Elk Antler. The Legendary Elk Antler is used to craft the Elk Antler Trinket which increases looted money by 10%.

Red Dead Redemption 2 Legendary Elk MapRed Dead Redemption 2 Legendary Elk Map
Red Dead Redemption 2 Legendary Elk LocationRed Dead Redemption 2 Legendary Elk Location

Legendary Buck

The Legendary Buck location is in the forest on the west side of Big Valley, northwest of Strawberry.

Skinning it yields the Legendary Buck Pelt and Legendary Buck Antler. The Legendary Buck Antler is used to craft the Buck Antler Trinket which decreases the pelt quality penalty for killing an animal with the wrong weapon or not shooting it in the head.

Red Dead Redemption 2 Legendary Buck MapRed Dead Redemption 2 Legendary Buck Map
Red Dead Redemption 2 Legendary Buck Map LocationRed Dead Redemption 2 Legendary Buck Map Location

Legendary Coyote

The Legendary Coyote location is around the dry river bed of Dewberry Creek in the northwest corner of Lemoyne.

Skinning it yields the Legendary Coyote Pelt and Legendary Coyote Fang. The Legendary Coyote Fang is used to craft the Coyote Fang Trinket which increases Dead Eye experience gain by 10%.

Red Dead Redemption 2 Legendary Coyote MapRed Dead Redemption 2 Legendary Coyote Map
Red Dead Redemption 2 Legendary Coyote LocationRed Dead Redemption 2 Legendary Coyote Location

Legendary Fox

The Legendary Fox location is in the meadows around Mattock Pond in Lemoyne.

Skinning it yields the Legendary Fox Pelt and Legendary Fox Claw. The Legendary Fox Claw is used to craft the Fox Claw Trinket which increases Eagle Eye duration by 5 seconds.

Legendary Fox MapLegendary Fox Map
Legendary Fox LocationLegendary Fox Location

Legendary Boar

The Legendary Boar location is on the edge of Bluewater Marsh on the northeast corner of Lemoyne.

Skinning it yields the Legendary Boar Pelt and Legendary Boar Tusk. The Legendary Boar Tusk is used to craft the Boar Tusk Talisman which decreases horse health and stamina core drain by 10%.

Red Dead Redemption 2 Legendary Boar MapRed Dead Redemption 2 Legendary Boar Map
Red Dead Redemption 2 Legendary Boar LocationRed Dead Redemption 2 Legendary Boar Location

Legendary Bullgator

You must complete the Chapter 4 Story Mission "Country Pursuits" before you can hunt the Legendary Alligator. May not be available until the beginning of Chapter 6.

Legendary Alligator location is in the Bayou NWA west of Lakay in Lemoyne.

It is aggressive and can take quite a few shots. Use your sniper rifle from far away and then switch to your repeater or shotgun and use Dead Eye when it gets close.

If you can't kill it before it gets to you, you can run away until it stops chasing you then shoot it again while it's running away.

Skinning it yields the Legendary Alligator Skin and Legendary Alligator Tooth. The Legendary Alligator Tooth is used to craft the Alligator Tooth Talisman which decreases Dead Eye core drain by 10%.

Red Dead Redemption 2 Legendary Alligator MapRed Dead Redemption 2 Legendary Alligator Map
Red Dead Redemption 2 Legendary Alligator LocationRed Dead Redemption 2 Legendary Alligator Location

Legendary Panther

The Legendary Panther location is west of Shady Belle on the south end of Lemoyne.

The Legendary Panther is similar to the Legendary Cougar and very deadly. Use cover scent before hand to prevent it from detecting you. It will try to ambush you and can kill you in one or two pounces.

  • Fortify your Dead Eye beforehand.
  • Use Dead Eye when you hear it growl and aim onto it.
  • Use a sniper rifle or shotgun.
  • Use explosive ammo with the shotgun if you have it.
  • You can dodge it's pounce by aiming with left trigger and pressing left or right on the left stick and pressing X/Square.

Skinning it yields the Legendary Panther Pelt and Legendary Panther Eye. The Legendary Panther Eye is used to craft the Panther's Eye Trinket which decreases the speed that Dead Eye drains by 10% for 3 seconds.

Red Dead Redemption 2 Legendary Panther MapRed Dead Redemption 2 Legendary Panther Map

Legendary Tatanka Bison

The Legendary Tatanka Bison location is in the meadows on the east side of New Austin.

Skinning it yields the Legendary Tatanka Bison Pelt and Legendary Tatanka Bison Horn. The Legendary Tatanka Bison Horn is used to craft the Tatanka Bison Horn Trinket which reduces melee damage received by 10%.

Red Dead Redemption 2 Legendary Tatanka Bison MapRed Dead Redemption 2 Legendary Tatanka Bison Map
Red Dead Redemption 2 Legendary Tatanka Bison LocationRed Dead Redemption 2 Legendary Tatanka Bison Location

Legendary Pronghorn

The Legendary Pronghorn location is on the south side of New Austin southeast of Fort Mercer.

Skinning it yields the Legendary Pronghorn Hide and Legendary Pronghorn Horn. The Legendary Pronghorn Horn is used to craft the Pronghorn Horn Trinket which makes it so animal carcasses on horseback do not spoil.

Red Dead Redemption 2 Legendary Pronghorn MapRed Dead Redemption 2 Legendary Pronghorn Map
Red Dead Redemption 2 Legendary Pronghorn LocationRed Dead Redemption 2 Legendary Pronghorn Location

Legendary Cougar

The Legendary Cougar location is on the west side of New Austain, west of Tumbleweed.

The Legendary Cougar is very aggressive and deadly. It is very fast and can kill you in one or two attacks.

  • Use cover scent beforehand to prevent it from noticing you immediately.
  • Use Snake Oil to fortify your Dead Eye.
  • Use your sniper rifle for the first shot and then switch to your shotgun or repeater.
  • Use Dead Eye when it starts charging you.

There is a boulder nearby marked with the shield on the zoomed in map that you can climb up on. The cougar can't attack you while you're up there.

Skinning it yields the Legendary Cougar Pelt and Legendary Cougar Fang. The Legendary Cougar Fang is used to craft the Cougar Fang Trinket which increases stamina experience gain by 10%.

Red Dead Redemption 2 Legendary Cougar MapRed Dead Redemption 2 Legendary Cougar Map
Red Dead Redemption 2 Legendary Cougar LocationRed Dead Redemption 2 Legendary Cougar Location

Legendary Animal Trinkets and Talismans

Name Ingredients Required Effect Cost
Beaver Tooth Trinket Legendary Beaver Tooth Slows weapon degradation by 10% $18.25
Buck Antler Trinket Legendary Buck Antler Decrease penalty to skin quality for non ideal killing shots $22.00
Cougar Fang Trinket Legendary Cougar Fang Increases stamina experience gain by 10% $20.50
Coyote Fang Trinket Legendary Coyote Fang Increases Dead Eye experience gain by 10% $21.25
Elk Antler Trinket Legendary Elk Antler Increases looted money by 10% $22.75
Fox Claw Trinket Legendary Fox Claw Increases Eagle Eye duration by 5 seconds $23.50
Lion's Paw Trinket Lion's Paw Increases stamina experience gain by 10% $19.75
Moose Antler Trinket Legendary Moose Antler Increases health experience gain by 10% $19.00
Panther's Eye Trinket Legendary Panther Eye Decreases speed that Dead Eye drains by 10% for 3 seconds $25.00
Pronghorn Horn Trinket Legendary Pronghorn Horn Animal carcasses on horseback do not spoil $24.50
Ram Horn Trinket Legendary Ram Horn Picking Thyme, Oregano and Mint gives 2x herbs $17.50
Tatanka Bison Horn Trinket Legendary Tatanka Bison Horn Decreases melee damage received by 10% $16.75
Wolf Heart Trinket Legendary Wolf Heart Can consume twice as much alcohol before feeling negative drunk effects $16.00
Alligator Tooth Talisman Vintage Civil War Handcuffs (Reward for completing any cigarette card set), Gold Jointed Bracelet, Legendary Alligator Tooth Decreases tge soeed that your Dead Eye core drains by 10% $40.00
Bear Claw Talisman Silver Chain Bracelet, Quartz Chunk (Reward from Dinosaur Bones), Legendary Bear Claw Decreases the speed that your Health core drains by 10% $34.75
Boar Tusk Talisman Gold Earring Location, Cobolt Petrified Wood, Legendary Boar Tusk Permanently decreases the speed that horse Health and Stamina cores drain by 10% $31.00
Bison Horn Talisman Abalone Shell Fragment, Silver Earring, Legendary Bison Horn Decreases the speed that your Stamina core drains by 10% $38.50
Raven Claw Talisman Old Brass Compass (Reward from Rock Carvings) Slows weapon degradation by 20% $29.00
Eagle Eye Talisman Special/Ultimate Edition item Increases Eagle Eye duration by five seconds N/A
Red Dead Redemption 2 FenceRed Dead Redemption 2 Fence