Interactive Red Dead Redemption 2 Map

E.D. Ewing

Cigarette Card,
World Champions #6

This is the Cigarette Card location for the E.D. Ewing card. Card will be in the basement of the broken down Old Trail Rise shack, sitting on the shelf to the West end.

E.D. Ewing is card 6 in the World Champions set. The reward for completing this set is Valerian Root and $50.

In addition to the individual set rewards, the reward for completing your first Cigarette Card set is the Vintage Civil War Handcuffs. The handcuffs are required to craft the Alligator Tooth Talisman; A unique item that reduces Dead Eye core drain by 10%.

Axel McCormack

Capt. Jack Page

Edwin A. Rowe

Edwin Singerly

Felix Hawley

H.T. Slocum

Patsey Hill

Percy Wood

R.S. Harradon

Theobaud Getzin

William Sleicher