Interactive Red Dead Redemption 2 Map

Legendary BearLegendary Bear

Legendary Bear

Legendary Animal

This is the Legendary Grizzly Bear location. Also known as the Legendary Bharati Grizzly Bear.

Requirement: Complete "Exit Pursued By a Bruised Ego' mission in Chapter 2.

  • There are only two clues for the Legendary Bear instead of the normal 3 clues for all other Legendary Animals.
  • It will take 4 shots from a sniper rifle to kill him.
  • He can be difficult to kill unless you climb on a rock where he can't get to you.
Legendary Bear Boulder 2Legendary Bear Boulder 2

Legendary Bear Boulder

Legendary Bear Boulder 1Legendary Bear Boulder 1

Legendary Bear Boulder

Legendary Bear Second ClueLegendary Bear Second Clue

Legendary Bear Second Clue

Legendary Bear First ClueLegendary Bear First Clue

Legendary Bear First Clue

Legendary AlligatorLegendary Alligator

Legendary Alligator

Legendary BeaverLegendary Beaver

Legendary Beaver

Legendary Bighorn RamLegendary Bighorn Ram

Legendary Bighorn Ram

Legendary BoarLegendary Boar

Legendary Boar

Legendary BuckLegendary Buck

Legendary Buck

Legendary CougarLegendary Cougar

Legendary Cougar

Legendary CoyoteLegendary Coyote

Legendary Coyote

Legendary ElkLegendary Elk

Legendary Elk

Legendary FoxLegendary Fox

Legendary Fox

Legendary MooseLegendary Moose

Legendary Moose

Legendary Panther

Legendary PronghornLegendary Pronghorn

Legendary Pronghorn

Legendary Tatanka BisonLegendary Tatanka Bison

Legendary Tatanka Bison

Legendary White BisonLegendary White Bison

Legendary White Bison

Legendary WolfLegendary Wolf

Legendary Wolf