Interactive Red Dead Redemption 2 Map

Manned Glider

Cigarette Card,
Amazing Inventions #7

This is the Cigarette Card location for the Manned Glider card. Card will be in the stable on the big work table that's facing South.

Manned Glider is card 7 in the Amazing Inventions set. The reward for completing this set is Volatile Dynamite and $100.

In addition to the individual set rewards, the reward for completing your first Cigarette Card set is the Vintage Civil War Handcuffs. The handcuffs are required to craft the Alligator Tooth Talisman; A unique item that reduces Dead Eye core drain by 10%.

Buck’s Revolver


Cylinder Phonograph


Electric Light Bulb

Electrical Execution Apparatus

Fountain Pen

Player Piano

Steam Locomotive

